T-Minus 12 days and Counting...

There are twelve precious days before I begin my hike Northbound on the Pacific Crest Trail.  Everything is finally starting to come together. Everything except my resupply planning.  I am way behind where I need to be.  Out of the 2600 miles of hiking, I'm planned up to about mile 300.  I'm screwed.

It's looking like I'll definitely be finishing my planning along the way.  This may work out great, allowing me to adjust my plans on the fly once I experience what thru hiking is really like.  Or it could be a major pain in the ass that risks the success of my trip.  Time will tell.

On the brighter side, I have all the equipment that I will need, and I have all the permits that I will need. (Almost.)  I'm on an atypical PCT schedule because I overslept the day the permits were released and all the good start dates were taken by the time I applied.  So I'm starting three weeks earlier than I had hoped, but plan on hiking very slowly in the beginning to allow my knee, which has tendonitis, to get built up to the abuse of non-stop hiking.  

The next several days are going to be insane, but I'll try to get some posts up about my gear and preparation before I depart.  If not, they'll just have to come in from the trail.

During the trip, I'll be posting updates on the following channels:

On Hackyourpack.com:

All Things Pacific Crest Trail.
This page links to it everything I have to say about the PCT.

Scott-to-trot (You are here.)
A blog of my adventures along the trail.

Prickles, the Beard.
A beard's journey hitchhiking on a face on the Pacific Crest Trail

On Instagram
I'll be posting pretty regularly to Instagram because it's easy.  Follow the photos and short videos here:  @hackyourpack

I'm also planning to share my progress using my Spot GPS.  Details to come. 

Hope you enjoy the upcoming adventure.  For now, I need to get back to planning it.  See you soon!


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