Lightweight Water Bottles for Backpacking
Use disposable water bottles instead of heavy, and expensive ‘backpacking’ brands. A 1-liter Nalgene is nearly six times heavier than a 1.5-liter Poland Spring bottle. Smartwater bottles are extremely popular with thru hikers for their mix of durability and light-weight.
Sure, the gram weenies and ultralight all stars rocking their Pa’lante packs, with their sub-five-pound base weights will scoff at the title of this post. They’ll boast how they don’t need a scoop for their water, because they use a leaf. Or they’ve perfected the art of sweeping their dirty water bladder through a half-inch deep stream 1000 times to get half a liter of water. But, for the rest of us, who value a bit of practicality—albeit at the expense of an entire ounce—here’s an easy, and cheap way to make a durable water scoop that nests with your water bottle like a Russian doll. It takes up virtually no space and adds a mere ounce to your ultralight hydration system. Let’s get started!